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버퍼 # buffer # memcpy # buffer overflow


C에서 memcpy가 buffer를 사용한다고 한다.


memcpy는 아래와 같이 사용한다.

memcpy(dest, src, count)


이는 dest 변수에, src 변수에 담긴 byte를 count 갯수 만큼 복사하는 것이다.


이 과정에서 buffer를 사용한다.


buffer는 물리적으로는 메모리의 일부 영역이다 (block of memory)


buffer를 기능적으로 얘기하자면,

데이터 전달 과정에서, 데이터 유실을 막기 위해서 고안된 데이터 임시 저장 공간이다.


데이터 유실을 어떻게 막을 수 있나?

  A장치 에서 B장치로 데이터를 전달할 때, A에서 보내는 데이터 속도가 B에서 처리하는 속도보다 빠른 경우,

  A에서는 1,2,3 의 데이터를 보내는데, B에서 처리하는 속도가 느려서 1, 2만 받는 경우가 있을 수 있다.

  A와 B 사이의 데이터 전송/처리 속도차가 있는 경우, A에서 들어오는 데이터를 버퍼에 담아두었다가

  B에서 처리할 수 있는 상황이 되  었을 때 버퍼가 나머지 데이터를 보내는 기능을 한다.


* 버퍼의 개념에 대해 유용하게 설명하고 있는 글과, ChatGPT 대화 내용을 남긴다.



캐시메모리와 버퍼메모리의 차이

캐시메모리 "캐시"란 속도가 다른 두 장치 사이에서 속도차이를 메워주는 장치입니다. 시스템에서는 많은 기기사이의 데이터 흐름이 항상 일어나고 있습니다. 만약 모든 기기들이 같은 속도와



What is safe copy?

The term "safe copy" in the context of C programming typically refers to methods of copying data between buffers (arrays) that prevent buffer overflows, a common security vulnerability in C programs. Buffer overflows occur when data is written beyond the boundaries of a buffer, which can lead to unpredictable behavior, crashes, or security breaches.

Safe Copy Techniques

To safely copy data between arrays or buffers in C, you can use several techniques:

  1. Using strncpy() and strncat():
    • strncpy(dest, src, n): Safely copies up to n characters from src to dest. It stops copying if a null character is found in src before n characters are copied. If the length of src is less than n, dest will be padded with null characters until a total of n characters have been written.
    • strncat(dest, src, n): Appends the first n characters of src to dest, plus a null terminator, as long as there is enough space in dest.
    • These functions are safer than strcpy() and strcat() because they do not depend on the source string being null-terminated within the bounds of the destination buffer.
  2. Using memcpy() with careful size management:
    • memcpy(dest, src, count): Copies count bytes from src to dest. This function does not check for the termination of arrays (like a null terminator in strings) and will blindly copy the exact number of bytes specified.
    • When using memcpy(), ensure that the destination buffer is large enough to hold the data being copied to prevent overflows. The count should be the lesser of the buffer sizes of src and dest.
  3. Bounds Checking:
    • Manually check the sizes of the buffers before performing the copy. This is crucial when handling data where the sizes might not be predetermined, such as data received over a network or read from a file.

Example: Using strncpy() Safely

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    char src[] = "Hello, world!";
    char dest[8];  // Destination buffer is smaller than the source buffer

    // Safely copy maximum of 7 characters and manually add null terminator
    strncpy(dest, src, 7);
    dest[7] = '\0';  // Ensure the string is null-terminated

    printf("Copied string: %s\n", dest);

    return 0;


In this example:

  • strncpy() is used to copy up to 7 characters from src to dest.
  • Explicitly setting the null terminator with dest[7] = '\0' ensures the string is properly terminated, as strncpy() does not automatically append a null terminator if it copies n characters where n is the size of the destination buffer.

Key Points for Safe Copy

  • Always ensure the destination buffer is adequately sized.
  • Use functions that limit the amount of data copied based on the buffer size.
  • Manually verify data integrity and bounds when necessary, especially in more complex data copying scenarios.

These precautions help prevent buffer overflow vulnerabilities, leading to safer and more stable C programs.

Does buffer means memory that variable has?

Yes, in the context of C programming and computer science, a "buffer" generally refers to a block of memory that is allocated to store data temporarily. This block of memory can be part of the stack (for local variables), part of the heap (for dynamically allocated variables), or part of the data segment (for global and static variables).

Understanding Buffers in C

  1. Definition: A buffer is essentially a contiguous area of memory used to store data that is being processed. In C, buffers are often implemented as arrays.
  2. Purpose: Buffers are used for various purposes, such as holding data read from a file, storing strings, or keeping temporary data needed during program execution.
  3. Characteristics:
    • Size: The size of the buffer determines how much data it can hold at one time. For example, a buffer declared as char buffer[1024]; can hold up to 1024 characters.
    • Type: Buffers can store any type of data, from simple data types like char and int to complex structures and even other arrays.
    • Duration: The lifetime of a buffer depends on where it is declared:
      • Static Buffers: Declared at global scope or with the static keyword within a function. They exist for the duration of the program.
      • Automatic Buffers: Declared within a function without using static. They exist only during the function call.
      • Dynamic Buffers: Allocated on the heap using memory allocation functions like malloc() or calloc(). They exist until they are explicitly freed using free().
  4. Usage in Functions:
    • Buffers are often passed to functions to be filled with data or to be processed. For example, functions for reading from files, such as fread(), use buffers to store the read data.
    • When passing buffers to functions, you typically also pass the size of the buffer to ensure that the function does not write beyond the buffer's boundary, preventing buffer overflows.

Example of Buffer Use

Here's a simple example demonstrating a buffer used to store user input:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char buffer[256];  // Declare a buffer to store input

    printf("Enter a string: ");
    fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);  // Read a line of input into the buffer

    printf("You entered: %s", buffer);

    return 0;


In this example:

  • buffer is declared as an array of 256 characters.
  • fgets() is used to read a string from standard input (stdin). It safely reads up to one less than the size of the buffer (to leave space for the null terminator) and automatically terminates the string with a null character.
  • The buffer is used to hold the input temporarily for processing within the program.

Buffers are a fundamental part of programming in C, as they provide the means to handle data efficiently and securely with proper management.

Anyway, buffer is block of memory and we can use buffer for serveral purpose. One of those purpose, we can use the buffer to save variable?

Yes, that's correct! In programming, particularly in languages like C, a buffer is essentially a block of memory that can be used for various purposes, including storing variables. Here are some key ways buffers are used to store variables and data:

1. Storing Data Temporarily

Buffers are often used to temporarily store data during computation or while transferring data between different parts of a program or between different programs. For instance, when you read data from a file or a network, you might store this data in a buffer before processing it.

2. Facilitating Data Transfer

Buffers act as intermediaries for data transfer, especially in I/O operations. For example, when writing to a file, you might first write data to a buffer, and then write the entire buffer to the disk at once. This method is more efficient than writing data to the disk byte by byte.

3. Handling Input/Output (I/O) Operations

In scenarios involving input and output operations, buffers are crucial. They help manage the flow of data in streams, ensuring that the reading from or writing to devices like keyboards, screens, or network connections is handled efficiently.

4. Storing Arrays and Strings

In C, arrays and strings are stored in contiguous blocks of memory—essentially buffers. For example, when you declare an array such as int arr[10];, you're allocating a buffer in memory to hold 10 integers.

5. Implementing Data Structures

Buffers are fundamental in the implementation of various data structures. For example, a buffer could be used to implement a stack, a queue, or a circular buffer. These structures often use arrays (which are a type of buffer) to hold their elements.

Example of Using Buffers to Store Variables

Here's a simple example of using a buffer to store and manipulate an array of integers, demonstrating a buffer’s role in holding and manipulating data:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int numbers[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // This declares a buffer that can store 5 integers.
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        sum += numbers[i]; // Process each element in the buffer.
    printf("Sum of numbers: %d\n", sum);
    return 0;


In this example, numbers is an integer buffer (array) that stores multiple integer values. The program iterates through this buffer, summing its contents.

Key Points

  • Buffers can hold any type of data, including user-defined types, depending on the buffer's definition.
  • Managing buffer size and bounds is crucial in programming to prevent errors such as buffer overflows, which can lead to program crashes and security vulnerabilities.

Buffers are versatile and foundational in C programming, serving various purposes that hinge on the efficient, safe handling of data within memory.


Where the buffer is in real? stack? heap? or else?

In C programming, the location of a buffer in memory depends on how and where it is declared. Buffers can reside in different sections of memory, such as the stack, the heap, or the data segment, based on their definitions and purposes. Here's a breakdown of where buffers can exist in memory:

1. Stack

Buffers declared as local variables within a function are typically allocated on the stack. The stack is a region of memory that operates in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) manner, handling local variables and function call data. Memory allocation on the stack is managed automatically by the compiler:

  • Example: A function-local array
void function() {
    int localArray[100]; // This buffer is allocated on the stack


2. Heap

Buffers can also be dynamically allocated on the heap. The heap is used for allocations that require manual management by the programmer through functions like malloc(), calloc(), and free(). This is useful for data whose size may not be known at compile-time or that needs to persist beyond the scope of the function it was created in:

  • Example: A dynamically allocated array
int* dynamicArray = malloc(100 * sizeof(int)); // This buffer is allocated on the heap


3. Data Segment

Global and static variables are stored in the data segment of the memory, which includes both initialized and uninitialized data. This area is managed by the operating system:

  • Initialized Data (.data section): Contains global and static variables that are initialized explicitly by the programmer.
  • Uninitialized Data (.bss section): Contains global and static variables that are not explicitly initialized by the programmer.
  • Example: A global array.
int globalArray[100]; // This buffer resides in the data segment (.data or .bss)


4. Registers (Less Common)

In some cases, particularly with small buffers or variables, the compiler might choose to store data in registers instead of memory. This is usually managed entirely by the compiler's optimization routines and isn't something the programmer explicitly controls.

Example Showing Different Buffer Locations

Here is an example illustrating buffers in different memory areas:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int globalArray[100]; // Allocated in the data segment

void exampleFunction() {
    int localArray[100]; // Allocated on the stack
    int* dynamicArray = malloc(100 * sizeof(int)); // Allocated on the heap

    // Assume these arrays are used here

    free(dynamicArray); // Remember to free heap memory

int main() {
    return 0;


Key Points

  • Memory Management: Stack and global/static data are managed automatically, but memory on the heap must be managed manually by the programmer using malloc() and free().
  • Scope and Lifetime: The location of a buffer affects its scope and lifetime. Stack buffers live only as long as the function call they reside in, heap buffers live until they are freed, and global/static buffers live for the duration of the program.
  • Performance Considerations: Each memory area has different performance implications, especially concerning allocation and deallocation speeds.

Understanding these memory regions and their management is crucial for effective and efficient C programming, particularly for handling large data structures or performance-critical applications.


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