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Bluetooth: ESP32 - examples - gatts_table_create_demo GATT Server app_main  - nvs_flash_init(),    esp_bt_controller_init(), esp_bt_controller_enable(),    esp_bluedroid_init(), esp_bluedroid_enable()    esp_ble_gap_register_callback(gap_event_handler);    까지는 일반적인 bluetooth초기화 과정과 동일   gatts example이므로 esp_ble_gatts_register_callback(gatts_event_handler); 있음    esp_ble_gatts_app_register(ESP_APP_ID);  esp_ble_gatt_set_local_mtu(500);  잘 못보던 두가지 함수..
Bluetooth - HID: Little Endian, Big Endian 참고 블로그:https://zion830.tistory.com/38https://softtone-someday.tistory.com/20<a href="https://techz..
Bluetooth: GAP, GATT # BLE GAP (Generic Access Profile) - 블루투스의 연결과 관련된 주요 부분을 다룬다 - Central, Peripheral, Observer, Broadcaster / Discovery, Connectivity / Security GATT (Generic Attribute Profile) - BLE에서, 블루투스를 통해 전달되는 데이터를 다룬다. - BLE의 ATT(Attribute Protocol)를 기반으로 만들어준 Profile * Bluetooth Classic은 데이터 전송과 관련하여 여러가지 profile을 사용 - SPP (Serial Port Profile): serial data 전송 - A2DP (Audio Distribution Profile): 소리 전송 - HFP ..
Bluetooth: Protocol vs Profile Protocol A protocol in Bluetooth is a set of rules and procedures for managing data communication over the Bluetooth network. Protocols are concerned with aspects like data format, timing, sequencing, and error correction. They operate at the lower layers of the Bluetooth stack, handling the fundamental aspects of the Bluetooth communication. Common Bluetooth protocols include the L2CAP (Logical..
